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Rock Skippin’ and Creek Chillin’ Photo Gallery

Our Rock Skippin’ campers saw more animals than almost any other week so far! A  chain of puddles in the middle of the forest turned out to be home to hundreds of tadpoles, a northern water snake was spotted eating a fish (check out that pic!), caterpillars, insect larvae, snakes, and turtles were all seen this week. As the camp name suggests, these campers got to explore tons of creek spots, including a brand new spot for 2017. Campers built and tested rafts, skipped rocks, looked for critters, and built a very sturdy dam. While they were out of the water our campers worked hard on their whittling skills, snuck around during games, and built one of the most amazing forts Brumley Forest has ever seen. Check our some of our pictures to get a glimpse of all the fun we had!