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Questions to Ask Your Wildflower Camper – Thursday

If you’re wondering what your camper has been up to this week, here are some questions to get the conversation started…

  • We’ve heard quite a few stories this week. Some of Bill’s childhood stories, some of Hunter’s adventures, and we’re hoping to hear tales about three brothers earning their fortune and another about Wiley and the Hairy Man. Which is your camper’s favorite story? Are they able to retell it? 
  • We’ve gone to the creek every day this week. Some campers like to spend their time looking for critters, building dams, or just splashing around and playing with the sand and rocks. What does your camper enjoy doing with their creek time? What critters have they seen during creek time?
  • Games have been a hit this week!  We’ve had a chance to play sit-down, circle games, and tag games. What games are your camper’s favorite? Do they remember how to play? What was your favorite part of the game? Did they have any special tactics that helped them do well in the game?