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Questions to Ask Your Growth Rings: Naturalist Skills Camper – Tuesday

If you’re wondering what your camper has been up to this week, here are some questions to get the conversation started…

GNARLY STUMP CAMP (MacKenzie’s Group)

  1. You played a tagging game where you got to pick what animal you would like to be. What animal did you choose? While playing the game what special sound did you get to make?
  2. This week’s theme is growth rings. What is a growth ring? Which growth rings are your hoping to accomplish by Friday? Which, if any, have you accomplished so far?
  3. On Tuesday afternoon, you got to explore the forest and different parts of the park.  What are some of the plants and animals that you saw? Do you remember any of the plant facts that you learned?

TURTLE CAMP (Pat’s Group)

  1. On Tuesday, you played a game where you got to hide in the forest and utilize the art of camouflage  What was the game called? How did you camouflage yourself? Were you found?
  2. What growth rings have you learned about so far this week?  Which growth rings interest you the most? Are there any that you are hoping to accomplish by Friday?
  3. Some campers are working on their whittling growth rings this week. What are the whittling rules?  What is a type of wood found in the park that is known for its color and smell? What does it smell like?