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Questions to ask your Woodland Games camper (Tuesday)

If you’re curious about what your child has been up to in camp this week, here are some questions to get the conversation started…

  • We began this week by playing two very similar games: Beckon and Kick The Can.  The group discussed the fact that sometimes by changing one or two rules to a game you change the entire game.  Which game did they like best? Why did they like that one best?  What made it similar to the other game and what made it different? 
  • Monday afternoon we let the group choose between 3 activities: building forts, whittling, or playing a game called stumped.  Which activity did you choose? Why did you choose it? 
  • Tuesday we took a break from playing games and visited a small stream to explore and search for animals.  Did you find any animals? What animals did you find? 
**Favorite quote so far this week: “My favorite part of the day was the hike. My legs did not like it but my face did.”