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Questions To Ask Your Wilderness Survival Camper – Thursday

If you’re wondering what your camper has been up to this week, here are some questions to get the conversation started…

  1. Wednesday campers played a Schoolhouse of Wonder original game called 6 Feathers.  How do you play 6 Feathers?  What are some things during the game you can do to “play with honor?” 
  2. At the end of the day yesterday the group worked on some basic wilderness first aid skills.  Two staff were “injured” what were their injuries and how did you “save” them?  
  3. This morning the group learned and practiced primitive fire-building skills.  What rock did you use with your steel striker as a replacement for flint?  What are the three types of firewood?  If you were lost in the woods and came across a cedar tree what purpose could it serve?