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Last Week in Young Survivalist Camp (Orange)

Last week was filled to the brim at Brumley Forest. We learned about many different survival skills throughout the week. For water we tried gathering dew, making a solar still, and using plant transpiration in plastic bags. Shelter building was a huge hit, and after many campers constructed debris shelters, campers moved on to more creative and imaginative forts! We had some pretty amazing forts built with fire pits, ‘bathrooms’ (for show only!), chandeliers, beds, and all sorts of decorations. Fire building was a hit as campers got to try building fires and starting fires with quartz and steel strikers. We learned about edible plants like wild ginger, pine needles, blackberries, wild plums and some decidedly non-edible plants like pokeweed and buckeye. Our week wouldn’t have been complete without creek time to cool off! Campers caught mussels and cray fish, built them habitats, named them, and even married some. Classic Schoolhouse games like Beckon, Windigo, and Scout Mission filled the little time we had left (oh, and let’s not forget whittling!). It was an awesome week!