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Core Beliefs & Complex Topics at Camp

Schoolhouse of Wonder believes in the importance of all children, from all backgrounds and of all identities, having access to a safe, accepting camp experience—where they can enjoy the remarkable diversity of nature and each other. One thing we hear from campers and camp families is how the Schoolhouse experience oftentimes provides young people with the opportunity to belong and be accepted, something they have tried and not found with other programs. We know we have more work to do to welcome all children who might want to attend Schoolhouse, but we’re proud of the work we do each day to meet children where they are with care and compassion.

Last summer marked a sharp increase in the number of questions we received about how we approach gender identity, transgender campers and staff, and the sharing of pronouns. We feel it’s important to share with our camp families a little more about our core beliefs and how we manage complex topics at camp. Please visit our Mission, Vision, & Values page to read our full statement on our core beliefs regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion and how these beliefs are integrated into the structure of our camp.