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Schoolhouse Giving Day: Take the Leap!

Schoolhouse kids are no strangers to taking leaps – in the literal sense, like jumping off a rock into a river or bounding over a creek bed, or metaphorically, like trusting a counselor to help with a problem or challenging their own perceived limitations.

What’s your leap? Maybe you haven’t yet joined our Schoolhouse family of donors. Perhaps you’re considering increasing your gift. Could be you haven’t made a gift to Schoolhouse for a couple of years.

Whatever it may be, we’re asking you to take the leap with us on November 12. On that day, we’re inviting our families, friends and supporters to demonstrate their confidence in Schoolhouse by making an unrestricted gift.

Our goal is lofty: $20,000 in 24 hours. With your help, we can do it! We’re leaping toward our goal already: In honor of our 30th anniversary year, a generous foundation donor will unlock a gift of $7,500 if together we can match it dollar for dollar. That means if you’re among the first donors to help us reach $7,500 on November 12, your gift will be doubled, making twice the impact! Your gift on Schoolhouse Giving Day will help accomplish so much, like:

  • Offer elementary school students attending underserved schools access to our Field Trips, providing an outdoor, hands-on learning lab that reinforces classroom study
  • Purchase equipment and supplies crucial to keeping our campers safe in the field
  • Further develop our staff’s professional skills to deepen their expertise and increase their mentoring and teaching effectiveness
  • Provide week-long camp scholarships for children who couldn’t participate without your help
  • Continue adapting Schoolhouse camp programs to honor Leave No Trace principles

…and so much more!

Because we love a good theme, here are a few 30th anniversary-inspired giving ideas:

  • Give a one-time gift of $30 – one dollar for every year of Schoolhouse service.
  • Give a recurring gift of $30 per month for a year – your total gift of $360 will be put to use where it’s needed most and have the greatest impact on improving our programs.
  • Give 30 children the opportunity to attend a Schoolhouse of Wonder Field Trip. At just $12 per child (also a total one-time gift of $360), you can help connect a student attending an underresourced school to hands-on, experiential learning that brings spark and relevancy to what’s being learned in the classroom.

Your gift of any amount is needed and appreciated. And it’s so easy to give:

  • Use the secure online form below
  • Text WONDER to 443-21
  • Mail a check to:
    Schoolhouse of Wonder 2634 Durham-Chapel Hill Blvd., Ste. 220
    Durham, NC 27707

Thank you for taking the leap with Schoolhouse of Wonder on November 12.