If you’re wondering what your camper has been up to this week, here are some questions to get the conversation started…
- Today you learned a little bit about the turtles that live in this area. Can you tell me some of their characteristics?
- You also showed off your regal side by making crowns. What did you make your crown out of?
- Yesterday you played a game involving Jedis and socks. What is that game called? How do you play? What does the Jedi do?
BUFFALO CAMP (Ebonee’s Group)
- Yesterday your group played a game where you were given a secret animal and hid in the woods. What animal were you? How do you play the game? (Hint: it’s a take on blob tag, where everyone becomes the same animal)
- Today you made your very own natural paint brush. What did you make it out of?
- You have also learned a little bit about a plant in this area that you shouldn’t touch. Do you remember what plant it is? What characteristics does it have? (Hint: leaves of three, let it be!)