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Questions to ask your Eno Animal Kingdom camper (Tuesday)

If you’re curious about what your child has been up to in camp this week, here are some questions to get the conversation started…


  • Tell me about your nature journal. What have you put in your journal so far?
  • On Tuesday your group went to Crooked Creek for water time. What did you do there? Have you seen any critters so far at water time? What were they?
  • Tell me about your animal scavenger hunt on Tuesday. What four things did your group have to find? Did you find them all?

TURTLE CAMP (Nico’s Group)

  • So far your group has been to two different sides of the Eno River for water time. How are they different? Which one do you like better? Why?
  • Have you seen any animals at camp so far? What kind? Did you enter them into your critter journal?
  • Tell me about your animal scavenger hunt on Tuesday. What four things did your group have to find? Did you find them all?