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Questions to ask your Cub camper (Thursday)

If you’re curious about what your child has been up to in camp this week, here are some questions to get the conversation started…


  • On Wednesday your group explored Crooked Creek for water time. How do you get there? Did you see any turtles on the way? Where?
  • What has been your favorite game this week? Why?
  • On Thursday you went to the Eno River for water time. Did you see any critters there? What kind?
BUFFALO CAMP (Stephanie’s Group)

  • On Wednesday you hiked down to the greenway to play some games. What games did you play?
  • On Wednesday you got to explore the Eno River for water time. How was it different from the creeks you have gone to? Do you like it better? Why?
  • What animals have you seen so far this week? Where did you see them?